Personality Development

An external force is required to make change. In this paper I have suggested to make use of the greatest gift that everybody has got within himself, the cosmic energy. The cosmic energy causes the transformation. It goes into each and every cell of the body and makes chemical charges, which awaken the individual.

          Hence my formula is: "Energy + Thought = Success".

The advantage of this method,
1. You can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while travelling.
2. No rituals and methodologies are involved.
3. It is a scientific system.
4. This gift is in everybody’s hands. For all problems just keep the hand.
5.  People of all religions can practise this e-np by reciting their own prayers.
6.  There is no need to change one's value system.
It has transformed many others and me. Hence I am giving the benefit of this experience to all the citizens of the world.

e-np for Personality Development

Energy Neuro Programming is a Universal System, having no barrier of religion, language or nationality. It requires neither symbols nor rituals. A natural instinct is used while practising e-np. It is a Personality Development Programme based on Energy Neuro Science. e-np is the latest concept in Personality Development using Mind Science and Energy Neuro Programming. Energy Neuro Programming is very effective in making changes in the energy centres of the body i.e. the endocrine glands.

Energy Neuro Programming is one among many systems. It differs from the multitude of systems by its scientific approach. Energy Neuro Programming can be included as a syllabus in colleges because it can benefit students by improving the memory power and their concentration.

Executives, managers and businessmen can obtain similar benefits. e-np can be used to achieve the goals in life. Problems among family members can be improved with this method.

It regards unlearning as a process in learning. e-np teaches and advises people not to contradict the opinion of others as well as confront other people. We should not question their values and try to change them. Changing the thinking pattern can bring about redefinition of life. e-np teaches to give due respect to people’s emotions.

         e-np is a complete package for solving mental, emotional and physical problems. Through it, life’s problems can be solved. Goals, ambitions and targets can be achieved. It activates all energy centres and develops positive thinking. It is effective in making changes and can be practised at any time. 

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