Scientific Explanation

Scientific Explanation
Man, a 4-pole magnet, with the crown (pineal gland) as its positive pole, the base (gonad glands) as its negative pole, the heart’s right side being a positive pole and its left side, the negative pole, has become the centre of observation of the Russian scientists. These scientists have done extensive research and found out that the quantity energy emanated by the hand is 1 billionth of a watt and runs at a speed of 52-78 GHz (Billion cycles/second) to cure the blockades of the afflicted parts. For instance, an afflicted part means the presence of blockades that is to say, when ease is disturbed, disease comes. The infused cosmic energy goes to the source, that is, the disturbed path of the flow of electrons, and cures it to perfection. It creates equilibrium and puts these electrons back on their track. This is a scientifically proven technique.

2. Personality Development

An insight to e-np:

The question was always ringing in my ears “Why people don’t change” even after reading many self-development books and undergoing many management-training programmes?

They will seriously try for a maximum of one week and discontinue. I was trying to analyze the cause. Some are given below:- Methods, even though look simple, are difficult to practice at all times and at all places. Most of them are complicated and require separate place for practising.

Most of the self-development books concentrate more on psychology. Everybody suggests in one-way or other the “Affirmation and Visualization” technique only. In my experience nobody charges by simply telling “Think positive, Think proactive”.

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