Inner and
Outer Ecologies
Cosmic energy produces a harmony inside you and affects the same result
on the outer frontiers of this universe, because only when inner ecology is
cleansed, outer ecology is cleansed. Only when we change a new leaf, can we
transform others. Even successful scientists who created big inventions could
make it possible only through the usage of cosmic energy. Today’s modern
scientists have this power, which alone enables them to invent new concepts.
Only a continuous and smooth flow of cosmic energy ensures positive and
complete tapping of universal potential. Another pre-requisite for the
uninterrupted, smooth flow of cosmic energy is the upkeep of a good health and
of the Brain
It becomes imperative that humans strive for keeping the thought process
down to the Alpha state of brain waves (8-12 cycles/sec). This becomes possible
with the adoption and implementation of cosmic energy through affirmation and
visualisation process and activates the sub-conscious mind to achieve our aims.
If you really believe in your change, the sub-conscious mind merely accepts
your belief. But sub-conscious mind cannot be deceived; the key remains in
making it believe what you think. People can recite their own prayers also.
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